domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

domingo, 13 de abril de 2008


Sherlock HOLMES

Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who was born at Picardy Place, Edinburgh, British writer, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, who is the best-known detective in literature, this book is about crime stories, where Sherlock is the detective, mistery and fail are the main characteristics.

The three Stories I chose are my favorite because has a lot of fail and mistery things, and They Are, Silver Blaze, The Final Problem and the Empty house, where the main characters are the detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend and trainee Dr. Watson, The principal Holmes' enemy Professor Moriarty, all is situated in Lndon, XIX century, principaly in the Baker Street where Holmes lived.

The crimes that Holmes was solving in this three chapters are, a horse robe, and an assasination, and in the second chapter the adventure in the capture or Moriarty, in Rainchenbarch falls.

The first story, Silver Blaze is about a robe of ahorse and the death of the horses's trainor, Silver Balaze was a racehorse, who is stoled, and it's propierty is a Colonel. The case is very amazing because in all the chapter you think the murder probably is Simpson, the youth who the police thoght is the responsible, or maybe you can think the muurder is the Colonel, perhaps, but at final the only true is that the trainor wanted money to pay his creditors, and he took the horse to another place to stake another horse and win some money, this was a very interesting case i like it so much, but i think that this storie can be mare amazing if Sherlock get wrong or something like that because is true that he is the best detective, but it is some strange that in a few seconds he solved this case. The second is The Final Problem; my favourite chapter, because in this Sherlock got into real problems, his life is endangered, his enemy wanted his death, and for a moment you thought is the Holmes' final, I mean this story is about The adventure in Raichenbarch falls, Holmes and Watson went there, first because Holmes was some strange and a little afraid, a very strange attitude to Holmes, so he moved from Londonto Switzerland I remember, but at first he ordered Watson send the suitcases to Paris, with this Professor Moriarty would be confused; but as Sherloch said Moriarty was the principal brain of the European crime, and he had a lot of allies in all Europe; so a man told Holmes and Watson that they must go to the falls, and they did that, but here was Moriarty, and Sherlock fought with him and both fell down the falls. With this and Watson's words i really thought Holmes was death, but in fact i thought too, that was the best final to Holmez, I mean after years of crmes cases, solved, and with London more pacific and a better place, the think that Holmes needed to be alegend was that, His death and the Moriarty's death, with this Holmes' mision was complete.

The last storie, The Empty house, was a very strange chapter, i don't know, i was very amazing and i was very excited by the last chapter, and i really didn't know what would happen in the next chapter, but i thought that would be a chapter about other adventures before the Holmes' death, but instead of that this Chapter was about the "Holmes' resurection", At first the story bagan with other criminal case, the death of Ronald Adair, and Watson was trying to remember Holmes' methods to solve this case, but in the middle he discovered that Holmes was alive. Holmes narrated him how did he scape from the death, a very incredible story, but Holmes was very clever, so, he put a wax sattue of him in his apartment in Baker street to confuse hid enemies principaly the Moriarty's allies, and guess what the person who tried yo kill Holmes in his apartment with a rifle, was the same who killed Adair, a very expedient final.
As The conclusion. I can say that i enjoy a lot this first part of the book, it has a lot of adventures, unwaited situations, crime cases, mistery, and the "gentlemode" of Holmes, I had't read a real version of Holmes yet, until this book, and I have to say that I like it a lot. There is only one thing that I didn't like, and it was the fact that Holmes seemed idestructible, but well this was a novelty in Doyle's age, but in general I Found it excellent in this first part.

domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Exercise, of retell a story we've read

The happy prince
Once Upon in a little town lived in the downtown the most beatiful statue of the city, it was recovered of gold, and had by eyes two beautiful sapphires and in the sword had a great ruby. one day a little swallow was flying there because she was going to egypt, but she felt so tired, so decided to pass the night under the statue, suddenly when she was trying to sleep a drop of water fell aver her,There was not any cloud in the sky, so the swallow flew over the prince and saw he was crying,- ¿why do you crie?- the swallow asked. Oh I'm very sad because i have seen how do sad is the people in my town, and i didn't know- said the prince. The swallow was very surprised by the prnce's attitude so she decided to stayed there with the prince, -I've seen a mother with hier sick son, please take her the ruby of my sword.-The swallow took it to the mother, but the cold was so far, because was winter, When the swallow arrived the prince told her.- I've seen a very poor writer, please take one of my sapphire eye and take it to the writer.-¡oh no if i make that yo won't see ok!, but the prince insisted, so the swallow took the sapphire to the writer and saw he was a very bad man, so he cried by the prince's eye,-Please little swallow took my last eye to a little phosphorus seller girl,-But you won't see never more'- said the swallow, but the prince insisted, and she took it to the girl, -Now little swallow take each gold part of my body to each poor person in the town, all that night the swallow did, but with the cold, the swallow dead in the prince's feet, The prince cried again, by the swallow. The next day when the mayor looked the statue, ordered, to destroy it. It's so ugly, destroy it, - told the mayor, When they took the satue to the fire, all of him melt, except his heart. So far from ther the fairy's queen asked to a fairy to take her the two most beautiful things in the world , The fairy took a long time, but one day she returned and gave to the queen the caring heart of the prince and the little swallow.

POdcast/listenning exercise

Air-powered cars? Really? 2:48

This new is about the investigations, and the new models of cars that are air-powered, can you imagine this, the cars are two small but looks comfortable, but more important thing is you won't pay any more money by gas, now yo will pay to air, and you won't broke down gas, and the most importantyou won't pollute, it's very important to world that the companies begin to preocupate by the world's situation, and this new car i think is an excellent idea to protect the enviroment, so let's save money to buy a new air powered car, because the most important thing is to keep ourselves and for this we have to protect our world.

Podcast/Listenning excercise

Man claims he's pregnant 2:35

This is a really strange notice but it's true a man is pregnant, this notice talk about a 34 man who is married, with a girl that can't have babies, but her husband cans, because he borned as a boy but he felt as a man, so she decided to became a man, she began to take man's hormones, but she still has her womb, only there is a difference nowadays she is a man, so the couple decided that as the wife can't have babies, the husband will be pregnan't. I don't Know very well what to think about this new, i don't have problem if a man want to be a woman or a woman a man, but i think this guy is really brave and loved a lot of his wife to accept this decission, i think he will love a lot his daughter, but will be difficult to the girl know her father is her biological mother, this story is really sorprising, but after all the guy's body inside of him is a woman's body so whit this it doesn't sound so strange after all, but i recomend you to visit this page and create your own opinion

Podcast/Listenning exercise

Olympic torch almost extinguished 1:31
This new is about a protest in London because the controversial situation of the Chinesse olympic Games, so while the uk people were waiting the walk of the torch, some, protestants trried to extinguished the torch, even when there were a lot of metropolitan policemen, i think is riddiculous this kind of protest, the olympics are only a peaceful competition, so i really don't understand this kind of boicot, it's really a shame, that in this time when are lot of defferences, and war in the world, something like the olympics, that are the breathe of the world to say we are together and in peace, and pass this kind of things, averall in London the next Olyimpic place, in four years they will receive the games so it's necessary that the people think what are they doing.