lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

Raising Arizona

The movie was about a man named H.i who was a thief, he felt in love of a woman named Ed she is a police woman, they got married and since this moment thei lives changed, they had a lot of mishaps in his adventure to get a baby, because they couldn't't have one from them and they couldn't adopt because he had criminal record so the first thing they did is try to kidnap a baby from a rich men named Nathan Arizona, a furniture seller, Nathan had 5 babies, so they only tried to kidnap one, Nathan Junior, but it was very difficult because the babies were very noisy and mischievous, when they had kidnaped the baby , H.i. tried to rob a minisuper, to have the "huggies" to the baby, but the storekeeper called the police and he had to scape, but he felt down, one and other time, almost crashed, until his wife save him, another adventure was, when he received a visit from his old partners, who discovered they kidnaped a baby; so, they had a kind of fight because anyone Knew how to do it, This two friends tried to rob a bank, but they were terrible to do it, and the maney they got were painted, when this two guys took the baby and went to rob a minisuper first, they forgot twice the baby in the middle of the road, was another character a bad man who wanted the reward of the baby, he had a very fun fight with H.i until H.i. made work a bomb that the bad man had in his waistcoat, finally Ed and H.i. returned the baby without forget their dreams of have a baby, The three things most significant to me were, When H.i Gave the ring to ed, when the two guys forgot the baby in the middle of the road, and the final when they took the baby to his home, and they showed their better part of their persons, and even when they were criminals they had dreams, feelings and a big heart like all the people

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008

Comment from the page of the march stars

Well, i like too much this page, and the video, it's very interesting know what are in the sky, and each time i watch something like that , i remember the small we are, in this march is so amazing wait the equinox, because only one time in the year this happens, the stars and constellations are two themes i like principaly because i can't imagine the imagination the ancient people had to see in the satrs their gods, thats incredible, specially because nowadays we only see the satrs like something more in the sky, unfortunately the pollution makes as the video says, that we can't see all this spectacular stars, so i think is very important to keep our planet to can be enjoyig this kind of shows.

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2008

Podcast/ listenning exercises
Olympic pop quiz2:34
This is a nice note that talks about the emotion of chinese people to receive the olimpyc games, and the mania for the games, and in this note the reporter went to the street to question people obout olympics, for example from a list of four cities which hasn't been a olympic city, moscow, Melbourne, Stockholm, and new york, and unbelievable is.... New YOrk, one of the most famous cities in the world, with a lot of glamour, the better comeddies, greatest buildings, but it hasn't been an oliympic city, as same as chinese people i can't believe it, other of the questions was answered by a girl, a little girl, the reporter asked her the names of the olympic's mascots, and she knows all of them, other girl, Knows too, that two of them are endangenred, she Knows that are the panda and anthilope, and incredible she Knows the names of the principle athletes of her country, i mean, when an event like that goes to a country the people becomes more interested in that themes, they study them and live them, specially the chinese, that discovered in all an opportunity to create, what do you think???

Podcast/ listenning exercises
Rare Amur leopard born at Marwell Zoo
This new talks about an Amur leopard borned in the Marwell zoo, this is the first time in this zoo that a baby leopard borned here, this happened three years ago, and now three years after willbe the presentation to public, the veterinarians had checked the leopard and now they know is a girl, an has a very good health, i thin this kind of advances give us an opportunity to think in our world, to protect the endangered species like the leopard, who is a very beatiful specie of cat, so, i think our world is fantastic, and the nature knows the paper of each specie in the world, and if we are the only kind of animals that can think smartly, our work, in the this world is protect the others specially the endangered animals, Isn't it???

Podcast/ listenning exercises
'I think my mum would be proud of me'
This note talks about the thing that is the most commented new in uk, that the prince harry who is the third to replace the throne, he said that he thinks his mother would be proud of them, because she loved help the humanity, Im not argue with him, a war is a war, an it doesn't take any good for anybody, and the princess diana loved the peace, i mean Harry, the prince, thinks that with this war he is protecting his country, but how many innocent lifes,had he destroyed, how many families, etc, the afganistan war is a very u8njust war, because only to look for one person, two nations had joined together to devast other country, the war have been since 2000 year, and how much, so i thik Harry is wrong, his mother would be proud the day that de decide to separate from the war and began to help the poor people and children, like his mother, not killing innocent people, and what do you think????