sábado, 1 de marzo de 2008

Podcast/ listenning exercises

Olympic pop quiz2:34
This is a nice note that talks about the emotion of chinese people to receive the olimpyc games, and the mania for the games, and in this note the reporter went to the street to question people obout olympics, for example from a list of four cities which hasn't been a olympic city, moscow, Melbourne, Stockholm, and new york, and unbelievable is.... New YOrk, one of the most famous cities in the world, with a lot of glamour, the better comeddies, greatest buildings, but it hasn't been an oliympic city, as same as chinese people i can't believe it, other of the questions was answered by a girl, a little girl, the reporter asked her the names of the olympic's mascots, and she knows all of them, other girl, Knows too, that two of them are endangenred, she Knows that are the panda and anthilope, and incredible she Knows the names of the principle athletes of her country, i mean, when an event like that goes to a country the people becomes more interested in that themes, they study them and live them, specially the chinese, that discovered in all an opportunity to create, what do you think???

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