lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

About Elephants

Well, I think that the situation of hunting elephants, has become an uncontrollable problem, since very ancient times has seen in the practice a highly profitable business, by the fact that getting ivory, a mineral of great value in the international market, is not easy, so the easiest way appears to be killing without control, thousands and thousands of elephants only by the goodness of their tusks, but this problem, and I must say that I thought that was a controlled problem in a high percentage, but I realize that it was wrong, in fact, the book I'm reading for English class, which is called 'the heart of darkness', even though its main theme is not immoderate hunting of elephants, it’s principal item is the human condition and its vulnerability to fear and obsession, spoke of a man who works in a company that is dedicated to the collection of ivory, where you can see that from very distant eras, the collection of ivory was already a practice very well paid, and so I am more scared of the situation that the practice was seen as something routine, and not only that, the company which was responsible for this, was a very prestigious company and where every sailor hungry for adventure and exploration wanted to work, on the other hand is incredible where you can get up to the ignorance of humans to believe that the horn of a rhino, which is made of his own hair, has healing properties, to finish I think is very important to take care of these two animals that care their own forests, their houses, from forest fires, something that no human 'intelligent' deals done. it was a very good theme.